Friday, December 31, 2010

Sky Map for serious Astronomy

While Google's Sky Map for Android is a great way to get introduced to the sky, as a telescope-owner and visual-observer, I felt it the idea could be taken a bit further.

I created SkEye with the following features:

Virtual DSC
Using just the sensors on your phone, SkEye can help you naviagte the sky with your telescope. Simply afix the phone to your telescope OTA and you are done. No need to attach encoders, batteries or DSCs. No need to mess with cables!

You can attach the phone in a semi-permanent way, with a phone-cases and some Velcro and a little bit of improvisation.

Real DSC
While Virtual DSC is a great way to start, its accuracy depends a lot on the accuracy of your phone's sensors and on environmental factors such as magnetic fields induced by electric cables and metallic structures.

Hence, SkEye will support real DSCs as well, via Bluetooth interface. I am testing out this feature thoroughly before releasing it.

Clear skies to you!